- Chigiana academy composition prize, Italy, 2021
- The piece “Hu Ma Ya” won in the “Da_sh editions 1st International Composition Competition 2020/21”, Spain
- “The White Walls” for sextet, Honorable Mention in Alvarez Chamber Orchestra Composition Competition, UK, 2020
- The Piece “Not to be” for Disklavierwasannounced asthe winner of the Disklavier Composers Contest 2020, The composition competition for Disklavier, Cremona, Italy, 2020
- Solo Piano Piece “Hu Ma Ya” won the first prize of composition in Premio Adriatic LNG dà il “la” ai Giovani Musicisti Veneti Competition,the player: Beatrice Barison ,Also won the first prize for the contemporary music performance, Rovigo, Italy, 2018